Hi all,<br><br>May be this question can be "obvious", but I'm searching about the theme and I'm very confused.<br>What's I'm doing:<br>1 - Reading a DICOM serie with the itk::GDCMImageIO and itk::ImageSeriesReader;
<br>2 - Casting the image type to unsigned char by using itk::RescaleIntensityImageFilter;<br>3 - Extracting slices from x, y and z by using itk::ExtractImageFilter;<br><br>Well, when I extract in transversal ( z direction ) the images are correctly extracted. But when I extract the others axis, that's not works.
<br>I think that's are because the slices in z direction are the "real" slices, and to extract in other axis I need to do some interpolation task before.<br>Then I think that's I need:<br>1 - Choose the apropriate aproach to interpolate (
e.g Linear );<br>2 - Setting some filter to do this and, at least, setting the size and spacing of the output image ( that's values can be achieved in my original image, correct? )<br>3 - Runs the filter and works with the output image to cast to unsigned char and extract my slices.
<br><br>After taking a look at Software Guide and some internet searchs, I'm yet pretty confused if that's are the correct way and where are the correct filters to do that, or if have another way to follow.<br>Then:
<br>That's are the correct way?<br>If not, where I needs to start?<br>Have some code example of this task?<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Wagner Sales<br><br><br>