<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt">I am using ITK 3.2.0 and writing out RGB images. If I used a JPEG image IO class, all is well. But if I used the GDCMImageIO class to generate a DICOM secondary capture image, I was getting invalid DICOM objects that could not be read by applications such as OsiriX.<br><br>A little investigation showed the transfer syntax was little endian implicit, but something was not correct in the encoding. So, I added the following to itkGDCMImageIO::Write() to force an explicit syntax and valid images are now generated:<br><br> :<br> else if( m_NumberOfComponents == 3 )<br> {<br> // Write the image as RGB DICOM<br> gfile->SetWriteModeToRGB();<br>+ gfile->SetWriteTypeToDcmExplVR();<br> switch
(this->GetComponentType())<br><br> :<br><br>Is this also an issue in ITK 3.4.0 or current?<br><br>Todd Jensen<br>Jensen Informatics LLC<br>New Berlin, WI, USA<br>todd.jensen@ieee.org<br></div></body></html>