I'm trying to implement the basic pipeline for the Fast Marching Filter
(as described in the ITK software guide) in MeVisLab, since it's the
only program I can find that doesn't hate my graphics card. I am
basically just copying the sample application (FastMarchingLevelSet),
which crashes every time I try to run it, so I'm not sure what output I
should expect. I have no problem with the gradient filter or the
sigmoid filter - they produce output comparable to the software guide,
but when I run the fast marching filter, I get a blank image with all
voxels set to 1.70141e+38. This happens with all the different
parameters I have tried. Some general info:<br><br>- Image is CT of carpal bones, downsampled to 71 x 86 x 48 with cortical bone at around 200 HU +<br>- I tried stopping values ranging from 0 to 1000<br>- I don't really know what the Normalization Factor and Speed Constants are, but I've also tried them in the 0 to 1000 range
<br><span class="sg"><br>I tried to attach a screenshot, but it was too big for the listserv. Any help would be appreciated, thanks,<br><br>Charlotte</span>