<span>Job offer - Scientific developer - CILab<br> <br>Information: <br><br>The Computational Imaging Lab (CILab, <a href="http://www.cilab.upf.edu">www.cilab.upf.edu</a>) research group is searching for scientific developers for immediate incorporation to participate in different projects with National and European scope between different multinational enterprises, hospitals and universities. These projects consist in the development of software platforms for studying cardiovascular and brain diseases. These platforms include functionalities like:
<br><br>* Biomedical data recollection and integration (images, clinical studies, etc.). <br></span><span>* </span><span>Advanced biomedical data processing (involving image processing, mathematical models and numerical methods, data visualization, etc.).
<br></span><span>* </span><span>Information representation for visual analysis. <br></span><span>* </span><span>Integration of the mentioned tools to be used in medicine and scientific environments. <br><br>Place: <br>
CILab - UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Barcelona , Spain<br> <br>Work hours: <br>Complete (8h) <br><br>Requisites: <br><br>The candidate must have: <br><br></span><span>* </span><span>Graduation in Software engineering or equivalent (undergraduate only if within four months of the end of the course).
<br></span><span>* </span><span>Advanced skills in C++ and Object Oriented Programming. <br></span><span>* </span><span>Good knowledge of computer graphics. <br></span><span>* </span><span>Fluently spoken English (as is the standard language in the lab).
<br><br>Candidates with one or more of the following items will be preferred: <br></span><span>* </span><span>Experience with VTK, ITK. <br></span><span>* </span><span>Experience with version control environments (cvs, svn).
<br></span><span>* </span><span>Knowledge of configuration management tools (CMake). <br></span><span>* </span><span>Advanced knowledge of development environments in Linux and Windows. <br></span><span>* </span><span>Medical image processing.
<br></span><span>* </span><span>High performance computing and parallel processing. <br></span><span>* </span><span>CASE tools and UML. <br><br>Note: For burocratic matters, priority will be given to European Union citizens.
<br><br>Interested candidates: <br><br>Please send curriculum vitae to: <br>Ignacio Larrabide, tel. 34 93 542 1348 <br><a href="mailto:ignacio.larrabide@upf.edu">ignacio.larrabide@upf.edu</a> <br><br>Best regards,<br>
<br>-- <br>Ignacio Larrabide<br>Passeig Circumval·lació 8 <br>08003 Barcelona - Spain<br>Tel: +34 93 542 1348<br>Mov: +34 671 710 240<br><br>mailto:<a href="mailto:ignacio.l">ignacio.l</a></span><a href="mailto:arrabide@upf.edu">