I have added several member functions to the class BSplineDeformableTransform. I have also added several member functions to the class MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric. In my code I am passing a pointer to the BSplineTransform into the MeanSquaresMetric. I would like to call the new BSplineTransform member functions within the MeanSquaresMetric class through the pointer to the BSplineTransform. BSplineDeformableTransform inherits from Transform, where I have declared the member functions as virtual, however, the code will not compile. <br><br>All classes that I have modified have been saved locally with my initials behind ITK to indicate that I have modified them, for example, itkdzBSplineDeformableTransform.cxx/(.h), itkdzTransform.cxx/(.h). The code compiles and worked prior to adding the virtual member functions and renaming itkdzTransform.cxx/(.h). The problem lies within how I added the virtual member functions to the inherited class and renamed it. <br><br>Any
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