<div>Dear Gaetan,</div> <div>For erosion it takes around 93 second but for dilation it takes around <STRONG>45 minute</STRONG>.but I have two question here:the first is if the binaryopening by reconstruction filter do exactly the same as erosion follow by dilation?</div> <div>The second question which is very important to me is why your Binary opening by reconstruction filter doesn't work well when I add subtract image filter to the end of algorithm to subtract the image before opening and the image after opening?(I mean I can build it successfully but when I try to implement it it do the opening but when it reach the subtract filter it stop.)my input image is 3D volum image</div> <div>I add the following line to the end of binary opening by reconstruction image filater.</div> <div><STRONG></STRONG> </div> <div><STRONG>typedef itk::SubtractImageFilter<
<BR> IType, <BR> IType, <BR> IType > DifferenceFilterType;<BR> DifferenceFilterType::Pointer difference = DifferenceFilterType::New();</STRONG></div> <div><STRONG> difference->SetInput1( reader->GetOutput() );<BR> difference->SetInput2( reconstruction->GetOutput() );<BR> <BR> WriterType::Pointer writer2 = WriterType::New();<BR>
writer2->SetInput( difference->GetOutput() ); <BR> writer2->SetFileName( argv[7] );<BR> writer2->Update();</STRONG></div> <div>please let me know how can I solve this problem because it is very important for me.</div> <div>thanks in advance</div> <div><STRONG> Alireza<BR></STRONG><BR><B><I>Gaëtan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann@jouy.inra.fr></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><BR>Hi Alireza,<BR><BR>Because of the algorithm used in those filters, it is possible to <BR>have a different execution time. However, the difference are <BR>generally small.<BR>Can you give more detail about what you call "quick" and "very long <BR>time"?<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>Gaëtan<BR><BR><BR>Le 3 mai 07 à 16:03, Alireza Salamy a écrit :<BR><BR>> Hi all users,<BR>> I am trying to do dilatation by BinaryDilateImageFilterTest on the <BR>> image which is the output of the
BinaryErodeImageFilterTest.the <BR>> first filter( BinaryErodeImageFilterTest) works very quick but when <BR>> I try to implement the second filter(BinaryDilateImageFilterTest) <BR>> it takes very long time.in both filter I chose the radius=5.can <BR>> somebody let me know what is wrong with that?<BR>><BR>> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?<BR>> Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.<BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> Insight-users mailing list<BR>> Insight-users@itk.org<BR>> http://www.itk.org/mailman/listinfo/insight-users<BR><BR>--<BR>Gaëtan Lehmann<BR>Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction<BR>INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)<BR>tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66 fax: 01 34 65 29 09<BR>http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr<BR><BR><BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p> 
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