<div align=left>Hi ITKers,</div> <div align=left> </div> <div align=left>In ITK Software Guide (Section 4.4 PATH) it is stated that <FONT face=Courier color=#0000ff size=2>itk::PolyLineParametricPath</FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=2> class will typically</div> <div align=left>be used for representing in a concise way the output of an image segmentation algorithm</div> <div align=left>in 2D. </div> <div align=left> </div> <div align=left>Does anybody know to go from a segmented or labeled image (i.e the output of a watershed image filter) to a PolyLineParametricPath ?</div> <div align=left> </div> <div align=left>Thanks for your advice.</div></FONT><p> 
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