<div>Hi ITK users,</div> <div>Sorry if I ask silly questions but <FONT face=arial>that's</FONT> my first time using ITK .can eny body guide me how we can Execute for example the first example of image registration for two images <FONT face=Courier size=2></div> <div align=left>BrainProtonDensitySliceBorder20.png and <FONT face=Courier size=2></div> <div align=left>BrainProtonDensitySliceShifted13x17y.png</div> <div align=left><FONT face=arial>Let me ask you in this way that how we can implement the first registration 'hellow world registration' for the two images above?</FONT></div> <div align=left><FONT face=Arial>Thank you for your help.</FONT></div> <div align=left><FONT face=Arial>Alireza</FONT></div> <div align=left> </div></FONT></FONT><p> 
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