Hi,<br>The generated doxygen.config has a small flaw which happened to affect me.<br>The configuration excludes all files with a path containing '*/contrib/*'.<br>This is there clearly for omitting any contrib(uted) packages when reading the source files.
<br>Only now I noticed this was what had kept me from building the documentation, as I myself have itk as a contrib(uted)<br>package for my own project (I put the ITK sources in myproject/contrib/itk).<br><br>If the developers really think this is a problem, which I assume, it
<br>can be corrected by removing the first '*' from the '*/contrib/*' entry in the EXCLUDE_PATH list in doxygen.config.<br><br clear="all">--------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Ignacio Francisco Ramírez Paulino<br>Magister en Ingeniería Eléctrica<br>--------------------------------------------------------------<br>Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica<br>Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de la República
<br>Tel: 598 2 7110974 x 117<br><a href="mailto:MSN:ignacio_francisco_ramirez_paulino@hotmail.com">MSN:ignacio_francisco_ramirez_paulino@hotmail.com</a><br>jabber: <a href="mailto:ignacio_ramirez@jabber.org">ignacio_ramirez@jabber.org
</a><br>Skype: ignacio_ramirez_paulino<br>--------------------------------------------------------------