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<P>Thank you for your help.</P>
<P>I have tried what you told.</P>
<P>I complied VesselnessMeasureImageFilter.cxx <BR>However, while debugging, I'm
in trouble to use it.</P>
<P>The exception message is "Unhandled exception in xxx.exe (KERNEL32.DLL):
0xE06D7363 MICROSOFT C++ Exception."</P>
<P>My inputimage and output image's file format is *.raw.</P>
<P>This exception occurs in "writer->update();"</P>
<P>What can I do in order to solve the pb?</P>
<P>Please help me out.</P>
<P> </P>
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Original Message ---<BR><B>From : </B>"Chris
McIntosh"<cmcintos.sfu@gmail.com><BR><B>To :
</B>"¿¹µ¿ÇØ"<eastsun3@snu.ac.kr><BR><B>Date : </B>2007/01/18 ¸ñ¿äÀÏ ¿ÀÈÄ
4:49:24<BR><B>Subject : </B>Re: [Insight-users] Hessian Matrix<BR><BR>Hello,
<BR><BR>To my knowledge the itk::Hessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter<
TPixel > <BR>class will compute the Hessian, which can then be input to the
<BR>Hessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter in the ./Code/Basic filters.
<BR><BR>It appears from its header file that it defaultly sets the output
image type <BR>to: "Image< SymmetricSecondRankTensor< ITK_TYPENAME
<BR><itkWin32Header_8h.html#a0> NumericTraits< ITK_TYPENAME
<BR>::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >,
<BR>::itk::GetImageDimension<TInputImage>::ImageDimension >"
<BR><BR>which is what's needed for the Hessian3DToVesselenssMeasureImageFilter
<BR><BR><BR>So in theory you need only do something *like* this: (note I have
not <BR>compiled or tested this) <BR><BR>typedef
itk::HessianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter< TInputImage > hrgType;
<BR>typedef itk::Hessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter<
TypeOutputPixel> <BR>hvmType; <BR><BR>hrgType::Pointer hessian =
hrgType::New(); <BR>hessian->SetInput(reader->GetOutput()); //Pipe the
reader into the <BR>hessian filter <BR>hessian->SetSigma(5.0);// Will find
vessels of radius 5 <BR><BR>hvmType::Poiner vesselFilter = hvmType::New();
<BR>vesselFilter->SetInput(hessian->GetOutput()); //Set the hessian as
the <BR>input to the vessel filter <BR>vesselFilter->SetAlpha1(0.5);//
<BR>writer->Update(); <BR><BR>For more details check the included ITK
example in:
<BR><BR>HTH, <BR><BR>Chris <BR><BR><BR>¿¹µ¿ÇØ wrote: <BR><BR>> Hi all.
<BR>> <BR>> I am trying to compute 3D hessian matrix for vessel
enhancement. <BR>> <BR>> I found some functions that are supposed to be
useful for my goal. <BR>> <BR>> This is
Hessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter in the ./Code/Basic <BR>> filters.
<BR>> <BR>> But, I don't know how to use it. <BR>> <BR>> Please
show the way and Help me out. <BR>> <BR>> I'm looking forward to your
reply. <BR>> <BR>> Thank you. <BR>>
<BR>> <BR>>_______________________________________________
<BR>>Insight-users mailing list <BR>>Insight-users@itk.org
<BR>>http://www.itk.org/mailman/listinfo/insight-users <BR>> <BR>>
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