<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>Hi, </DIV>
<P>Does anyone know how to generate several 2D images into a serial images?
<P>These 2D images are the same type, dimensions,and the same
components.For example, all of these are unshort jpg images.</P>
<P>In fact, I am trying to read a serial images and manual draw a
closed line of each one in the same position,and then generate those closed
contours into a mesh.</P>
<P>Now,I have finished drawing line separately on each images, and I
can also get the result as several solitude images,if i can
change them into a serial one, then I can use the vtkContourFilter and
vtkPolyDataNormals to get the mesh.</P>
<P>Could anyone kind enough to tell me how to do this?
You opinion or any suggestion will be very appreciated.</P>
<P> Danny </P></div><br
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