<div>I am using the NaryFunctorImageFilter, but i seem to have encountered a bug of some sort.</div>
<div>I have run the file itkNaryAddImageFilterTest to check if i maybe had an error in my code, but apparently the problem is also when i run that code which is distributed with insight.</div>
<div>The problem occurs when the update function is called. Then a excepetion occurs and the program crashes.</div>
<div>Maybe someone else has also had experience with this before?</div>
<div>Maybe is there something i dont know.</div>
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<div>My code looks like this :</div>
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<div> typedef itk::NaryAddImageFilter<ImageType,ImageType> NaryAddFilterType;<br> NaryAddFilterType::Pointer NaryAddFilter=NaryAddFilterType::New();<br> <br> NaryAddFilter->SetInput(0,csf_lblFilt->GetOutput());
<br> NaryAddFilter->SetInput(1,gm_lblFilt->GetOutput());<br> NaryAddFilter->SetInput(2,wm_lblFilt->GetOutput());<br> NaryAddFilter->Update(); // <------HERE OCCURS BUG</div>
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<div>I hope to hear from you soon. Many regards<font size="1"></font></div>