I am trying to change the header of a dicom image on cygwin. I have <br>
no problem doing it on Linux using "DicomImageReadChangeHeaderWrite".<br>
For example, to change the name of the patient, I just type<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">DicomImageReadChangeHeaderWrite Image.dcm ImageChanged.dcm 0010\|0010 NewName<br>
and it works perfectly (\| is needed for him to recognize "|"). On cygwin, I didn't <br>
find any way to make him understand the character "|". Then I did look into the<br>
code and simply wrote:<br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"> itk::EncapsulateMetaData<std::string>( dictionary, "0010|0010", "NewName" );<br>
Again, it works on Linux, but not on cygwin (and I really need it to work on cygwin...)<br>
Does anyone has an idea of what I could do?<br>
Is there an other way to specify the entryId?<br>