<div id="RTEContent"> <div id="RTEContent">Hi all<br> I examine the CMakeLists.txt i find in the InsightApplication directory and i find that <br> ITK_DISABLE_FLTK_GENERATED_WARNINGS & ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE <br> are macros.<br> But since i edit the CMakeLists.txt file with removing lines containing thoose macros , and generating the ShapeDetectionLevelSetGUI.cxx and ShapeDetectionLevelSetGUI.h with fluid, and adding ShapeDetectionLevelSetGUI.cxx in the <br> SET(ShapeDetectionLevelSet_SRCS<br> ShapeDetectionLevelSetBase.cxx<br> ShapeDetectionLevelSetGUI.cxx<br> ShapeDetectionLevelSet.cxx<br> #${ShapeDetectionLevelSet_FLTK_UI_SRCS}<br> )<br> now i'm fronting another error by CMake :<br> CMake Error: can not find file<br> /home/amir/work/ShapeDetectionLevelSet/ShapeDetectionLevelSetBase.cxx;ShapeDetectionLevelSetGUI.cxx;ShapeDetectionLevelSe<br> t.cxx<br> although file are right here!<br> could someone help me plz<br> thx. Amir<br></div>
<br><br><b><i>charfeddine amir <charfeddine_amir@yahoo.fr></i></b> a écrit :<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> <div id="RTEContent">Hi all<br> I copied the ShapeDetectionLevelSet from the InsightApplication source folder and paste it somewhere on my work directory, and then try to execute ccmake (2.0.5) on it, but i get the following errors :<br> <br> Unknown CMake command "ITK_DISABLE_FLTK_GENERATED_WARNINGS".<br> Unknown CMake command "ADD_GUI_EXECUTABLE".<br> <br> should i upgrade my CMake program or edit the CMakeList.txt ?<br> thx<br> <br> </div><div> </div><hr size="1"> Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international. <a href="http://us.rd.yahoo.com/messenger/mail_taglines/default/*http://fr.beta.messenger.yahoo.com">Téléchargez</a> la version
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