<div id="RTEContent">Hi all<br> <br> I have to process medical image which comes from scanner x in Dicom format.<br> clinicians makes differents 2D incidences (8 incidences) of heart Vessel to detect stenosis.<br> Each incidence is taken during a mount of time, means each incidence is composed of many 2D image( 40 images), then operator pass to the next incidence, and so on.<br> after the exam, the study data (image taken on patient) is stoked in a CD : each incidence (40 2D image) is saved as a Dicom file.<br> I didn't know how to read this file to access all images in it, i tried to read a simple Dicom file (following ITK examples) and every thing was OK, and i use the same way to read my files, but i can only see the first image of the incidence.<br> i can send u a Dicom file if u want, and write u code i use for viewing image.<br> thx for reply.<br> TimCha<br> TIM Team<br> Biophysics Monastir<br> Tunisia<br> <br> <br> <br> </div><p>
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