<P> BSplineInterpolateImageFunction only offer ::EvaluateDerivateAtContinuousIndex()</P>
<P>However I need a function doing as EvaluateTwoOrderDerivateAtContinuousIndex, that is </P>
<P>the two order derivate of image(using BSpline interpolate). I cann't find one, and </P>
<P>the ::EvaluateDerivateAtContinuousIndex() is implemented in a way that could not read</P>
<P>easily even we are familiar with the principle of bspline interpolate. Therefore, it</P>
<P>is diffult to add a function :EvaluateTwoOrderDerivateAtContinuousIndex into </P>
<P>class BSplineInterpolateImageFunction by myself, is there anyone could give me some</P>
<P>tips about this, or is there any document about the detail of BSplineInterpolateImageFunction </P>
<P>that I could read it and add a function by myself.</P>
<P> Thanks!</P>
<P> Could the author of BSplineInterpolateImageFunction reply me and contact me ,thanks!</P><br><!-- footer --><br><br><br><br><br><div style="border-bottom:1px solid #999"></div><br>
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