Hi everybody,<br>
I'm creating my non-directional neighborhood operator. For that, I have
created a "GenerateCoefficients" method and a "Fill" method. Then, to
generate the coefficients of this operator, I call "CreateToRadius (
SizeType &)" inherted from the "NeighborhoodOperator" class. The
input parameter of this last method is the operator's raduis.<br>
This operator will be used with "NeighborhoodInnerProduct" class.<br>
The operator size is equal to the neighborhood size. So they have the
same radius. I have defined the neighborhoodradius like this:<br>
typedef Neighborhood< InputPixelType, ImageDimension > NeighborhoodType;<br>
typename NeighborhoodType::SizeType neighborhoodRadius;<br>
Then, I called the "CreateToRadius" method like this:<br>
myOperator.CreateToRadius ( neighborhoodRadius );<br>
But that doesn't work. Here is the error given by the compiler: <br>
no matching function for call to<br>
`itk::UsanOperator<main (int, char **)::InputImageType, 2, itk::NeighborhoodAllocator<PixelType><br>
>::CreateToRadius (itk::Size<3> &)'<br>
are: void itk::NeighborhoodOperator<TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator>::CreateToRadius (typename<br>
itk::Neighborhood<TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator>::SizeType &) [with TPixel = PixelType, unsigned int<br>
VDimension = 2, TAllocator = itk::NeighborhoodAllocator<PixelType>]<br>
So, if I understand well, the radius type is wrong. The radius type
must be itk::Neighborhood<TPixel, VDimension,
TAllocator>::SizeType . But, for me, it's already the case... So I
don't really see the reason of this problem.<br>
Does someone has an advice on it?<br>
Thanks a lot,<br>