I have two silly questions please:<br>
1) I am trying to get data from a itk::Image. I found the below
one, but not my requirement. Can any one tell me is there a facility to
import data from an itk::Image type to C array?<br>
<p><a class="el" href="a02158.html">ImportImageFilter</a> provides a mechanism for
importing data into an <a class="el" href="a02088.html">itk::Image</a>. <a class="el" href="a02158.html">ImportImageFilter</a> is an image source, so it
behaves like any other pipeline object. what abt other way?<br>
<p>2) Is it possible to find the Mean, variance and other statistical values of a given volume using itk<br>
<p>Thanx in advance<br>