<DIV>Hi all ! </DIV>
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<DIV>I am using itkOrientImagefilter to change the orientation of image volumes ; If I want to change from RSA to RAI is working ok , but from ASL to RAI doesn't ; actually instead of RAI , I obtain ILP ; I studied the code a little and I observed that in function DeterminePermutationsAndFlips(...) , when more than 1 permutation must be done , a cyclic permutation is applied ; </DIV>
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<DIV> I tried to change the permute order (from left to right ): so instead <BR> m_PermuteOrder[i] = j; <BR> m_PermuteOrder[j] = k; <BR> m_PermuteOrder[k] = i;<BR> <BR>I put :</DIV>
<DIV> m_PermuteOrder[i] = k;<BR> m_PermuteOrder[j] = i;<BR> m_PermuteOrder[k] = j;</DIV>
<DIV><BR>this way seems to work ok, but I don't think is correct ; </DIV>
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<DIV>maybe I don't use the filter properly ; this is my code :</DIV>
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<DIV>c3OrientImageFilterType::Pointer m_c3OrientImageFilter = c3OrientImageFilterType::New();<BR>m_c3OrientImageFilter->SetInput(m_c3Reader->GetOutput());<BR> <BR>m_c3OrientImageFilter->SetGivenCoordinateOrientation((itk::SpatialOrientation::ITK_COORDINATE_ORIENTATION_ASL);<BR>m_c3OrientImageFilter->SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation(itk::SpatialOrientation::ITK_COORDINATE_ORIENTATION_RAI);<BR> <BR>m_c3Image = m_c3OrientImageFilter->GetOutput();<BR>m_c3Image->Update();</DIV>
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<DIV>For visualisation (checking the orientations) I am using vtk (vtkImagePlaneWidget) ;</DIV>
<DIV>The version of itk is 2.0</DIV>
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<DIV>Thank you very much for your help !</DIV>
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