[ITK-users] Measure of geodesic (metric) distances for shape interpolation with deformable registration.

kaiwenw wangkaiwen998 at gmail.com
Sat May 20 22:53:00 EDT 2017

Dear Matt,

Thanks for the quick response! 
I have seen the article before (and now I read through it again), but I
could not find a function that calculates such geodesic distances between
shapes or a function that morphs the moving shape to a specified distance. 
Though, after this read, I saw that there is a
itkTimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldImageRegistrationTest.cxx file. So I
suppose there exists such a technique for BSpline registration? 

Could you kindly point me into the right direction? I am kind of new to the
ITK framework.
Also, just for additional information: I am using the Python wrapped



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