[Insight-users] OMG! GDCM is broken again! AddRestriction() doesn't work.

Mariana Bustamante marianabb at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 11:24:32 EDT 2013

Hi Constantine,

If you're using you system installed GDCM then you could use gdcm::Scanner
and gdcm::Sorter to organize the files and obtain the lists of filenames
for the reader. Take a look at these examples:



Once the files are sorted you should do something like:

FileNamesContainer sorted_files = sorter.GetFilenames();


On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Constantine Zakkaroff <mnkz at leeds.ac.uk>wrote:

> Hello ALL.
> I'm trying to sub-refine a series based on some DICOM tag like this:
> namesGenerator->**AddSeriesRestriction("2001|**100a");
> namesGenerator->**SetInputDirectory(argv[1]);
> const itk::SerieUIDContainer &seriesUIDs = namesGenerator->GetSeriesUIDs(*
> *);
> It is based on the DicomSeriesReadImageWrite2.cxx example.
> In ITK 4.4.1 this doesn't work. I get only one UID.
> The same code compiled against ITK 3.20.1 gives me the number of UIDs
> expected.
> Looks like some sort of regression, no?
> Regards,
> Constantine
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