[Insight-users] Creating ITK image with data from IDL

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 12:51:27 EDT 2012

> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 1:27 AM, <jose at apollomit.com> wrote:
>> Hello ITK Users,
>> We are creating an OrientedImage from an array of integers (received from
>> IDL) in the following way:
>>   //----------------------------**------------------------------**
>> --------
>>   ImageType::IndexType pixelIndex;
>>         int i=0;
>>         for(ImageType::IndexValueType l = 0; l < params[2]; l++){
>>                          for(ImageType::IndexValueType r = 0; r <
>> params[1]; r++)
>>                                 {
>>                                   for(ImageType::IndexValueType s = 0; s
>> < params[0]; s++)
>>                                         {
>>                                         pixelIndex[0] = s;
>>                                         pixelIndex[1] = r;
>>                                         pixelIndex[2] = l;
>>                                         image->SetPixel(pixelIndex,**
>> input[i]);
>>                                         i++;
>>                                         }
>>                                 }
>>         }
>>         //----------------------------**---------------------
>> I was wondering if I could create this image without having to traverse
>> the entire array (and avoid the O(n3) complexity).
>> I have an integer array with the values (input[]), so there should be a
>> way to just make the image point to the array right? i. e. something like:
>> *image  = *input ? or I don't know just another way to create an image that
>> I don't have to set pixel by pixel.
>> I would greatly appreciate any help.
>> thanks
>> -Jose
I think this is what you're looking for:


(If it is, it would be great if you could add some comments to that example
:) ).

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