[Insight-users] New Submission: A VTK Algorithm for the Computation of the Hausdorff Distance

VTK Journal webmaster at insightsoftwareconsortium.org
Fri Sep 23 01:01:46 EDT 2011


A new submission has been added to the VTK Journal.

Title: A VTK Algorithm for the Computation of the Hausdorff Distance
Authors: Commandeur F., Velut J., Acosta O.
Abstract: The Hausdorff distance is a measure of the distance between sets of points. There are many advantages to using this metric compared to other similarity measures. This document describes a VTK class for computing the Hausdorff Distance between two sets of points. The main contribution, compared to other implementations, lies in the definition of the distance not only to the closest point but to the closest point in the represented surface, which yields an accurate measure even between undersampling surfaces. This is achieved by implementing a point-to-cell distance instead of a point-to-point.  Furthermore, a plugin for ParaView was implemented, which is also available with the code. After introducing the interest of this distance, the VTK code is explained and illustrated with some examples.

Download and review this publication at: http://hdl.handle.net/10380/3322

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