[Insight-users] Problem updating Qt user interface

Antonio Gómez Barquero agb1 at alu.upct.es
Mon Sep 12 11:37:14 EDT 2011


Hello !!

I have a problem that I would like to tell you because is about some days
that I don’t have new ideas. Thanks in advanced J

I have an image pointed with a double* pointer, and I want to translate it
into itk::smartpointer for updating the user graphic interface, for this
purpose I made this method :

void prueba_r01::double2itk( double *im_proc, ImageType::Pointer *salida,
int alto, int ancho)

// This method translate the double* image into itk:smartpointer image

      ImageType::IndexType pixelIndex; // pixelIndex[0]= index x-axis;
pixelIndex[1] = index y-axisy

      ImageType::PixelType pixelValue;

      ImageType::PixelType aux; //auxiliar variable for checking the
behaviour of the programm

      // Doing a sweep of all the image (is in double *im_proc)
translating the values into itk pointer format

      for (int x=0; x<ancho; x++){ // ancho: widht of the image

            pixelIndex[0]=x;//x position

            for (int y=0; y<alto; y++){ // alto: height of the image

                  pixelIndex[1]=y;//y position

                  pixelValue= *(im_proc+x+ancho*y);


                  aux = (*salida)->GetPixel(pixelIndex); // checking that
the image has been correctly transtaled from im_proc to salida-- > CHECKED




And then is called here:

//Translation of the double* image into itk:smartpointer image

      double2itk(out_inv, &(ui.imageframe->imagereader), alto, ancho);

And after that, the user interface is updated:

// Update of the image shonw in the user interface


The problem is that it seems that everything is working correctly, but the
image in the interface is not updated.

Another option also valid for my project could be to stored the image in a
‘.bmp’ or ‘.jpeg’ file.

Could someone help me? Any ideas of what is not working properly? Is there
any function for creating this image files?

Thanks so much!!


Antonio Gómez Barquero


Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones -Becario Investigador asociado a Actividades
de I+D+I 

GTTS ( Grupo de Tratamiento y Teoría de la Señal)[  <http://gtts.upct.es/>

UPCT (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena)[  <http://www.upct.es/>


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