[Insight-users] how to read DICOM tags that cannot be expressed in strings

童明 tongm1987 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 07:33:49 EST 2011

hi, all:

Any one has experience using ITK to read ECG

curveData from DICOM header file?

I tried the method in the ITK software guide but it turned out not
working. I think the reason is that the tag(5000, 3000) can’t
expressed in string.

Following is my code:

     typedef itk::MetaDataDictionary DictionaryType;

    dicomIO = ImageIOType::New();


      dicomIO->SetMaxSizeLoadEntry( 65535 );

         const DictionaryType & dictionary = dicomIO->GetMetaDataDictionary();

         typedef itk::MetaDataObject< std::string > MetaDataStringType;

         DictionaryType::ConstIterator itr = dictionary.Begin();

         DictionaryType::ConstIterator end = dictionary.End();

      std::string entryId = "5000|3000";

     DictionaryType::ConstIterator tagItr = dictionary.Find(entryId);

    if (tagItr != end)


   MetaDataStringType::ConstPointer entryvalue =

                            dynamic_cast<const MetaDataStringType

         if (entryvalue)


                  std::string tagValue = entryvalue->GetMetaDataObjectValue();

                            //const char * cstr = tagValue.c_str();

                  std::cout<<tagValue.size()<<" "<<tagValue<<'\n';



.The string returned is kind of wired and doesn't match to the number
of samples at all.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Best Regards!
Tong Ming
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
School of Medicine, Tsinghua University
Master Candidate
Email:tongm1987 at gmail.com

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