[Insight-users] improving windows support for FindMatlab.cmake

Ramón Casero Cañas rcasero at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 14:36:28 EDT 2011

On 10/06/11 13:08, Ramón Casero Cañas wrote:
> The current FindMatlab.cmake fails to find Matlab in many cases, which
> is not a surprise, given the wide combination of Visual Studio and
> Matlab versions available.


I think I have been able to improve FindMatlab.cmake, in that now it's 
able to automatically find Matlab in both Windows and Linux without 
hardcoded paths.


I have tested it only with CMake 2.8 and:

* Windows XP / Visual Studio 10
* Ubuntu Linux Natty

Best regards,


Dr. Ramón Casero Cañas

Computational Biology
Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford
Wolfson Building, Parks Rd
Oxford OX1 3QD

tlf     +44 (0) 1865 610737
web     http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/people/Ramon.CaseroCanas
photos  http://www.flickr.com/photos/rcasero/

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