[Insight-users] itkConnectedComponentImageFilter: Number of objects greater than maximum of output pixel type ???

Vincent Magnotta vincent-magnotta at uiowa.edu
Mon Sep 13 14:38:09 EDT 2010

The error message results from there being more labels than the output
datatype can support. For example, if you are using unsigned char it is
saying that there are more than 255 objects in the labeling. Try setting the
output image type to unsigned short or a data type with a larger dynamic
range (unsigned int).


On 9/13/10 1:19 PM, "Daniela Sacchetto" <danysunflower at hotmail.it> wrote:

> Hi everyone, 
> I'm using itkConnectedComponentImageFilter but I have a problem with my code:
> it runs very well with an example 3D image of 39 slices, but when I use it
> with my image (a 3D image of 97 slice) I have this error:
> itk::ERROR: ConnectedComponentImageFilter(0x99fd918): Number of objects
> greater than maximum of output pixel type
> Aborted
> It seems that my image has to many objects...but, is it possible? Can't I use
> this filter with every size image?
> Regards
> Daniela
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Associate Professor
Department of Radiology
0453-D JCP
200 Hawkins Drive
Iowa City, IA 52242
E-mail: vincent-magnotta at uiowa.edu
Phone: 319-356-8255 Fax: 319-353-6275
Website: http://www.radiology.uiowa.edu

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