[Insight-users] Code completion with XCode

Antonin Perrot-Audet antonin07130 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 19:11:49 EST 2010

thanks to Luis help, I am now producing more and more itk code, adapting 
my matlab work... etc... this is great... BUT... I could not find a way 
to setup properly the code completion under Xcode, for instance, I type :

     typedef itk::AnalyzeImageFileWriter< ImageType > WriterType;
     WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();


and I would like Xcode to list all the methods and attributes of the 
AnalyzeImageFileWriter class when I type the '*->*' .
This is very annoying, I remember coding under visual C++ and it was 
just amazingly useful.
Any help would be (much) appreciated,

PS: please let me know if I need to be more specific.

Antonin Perrot-Audet
Electrical Engineering&  Computer Sciences, INSA Lyon
M2 GEGP Signal&  Image Processing, INSA Lyon, UCBL, Centrale Lyon

Antonin Perrot-Audet
Electrical Engineering&  Computer Sciences, INSA Lyon
M2 GEGP Signal&  Image Processing, INSA Lyon, UCBL, Centrale Lyon

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