[Insight-users] itkGDCMIO : Different behaviour with MNOCHROME1 images when using gdcm 2.0.x rather than gdcm 1.2.x

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 05:06:02 EST 2010


  There is indeed a subtle difference in between GDCM 2.x and GDCM
1.x. Within GDCM 1.x an implicit color space used to occur without
explicit control by the user. Because ITK does not define an explicit
color space, the image are now loaded in the exact same color space as
stored on disk (MONO1, MONO2, RGB, YBR...). This my "processing is not
rendering" motto. I have summarized the issue in the GDCM FAQ:


  I would encourage you to move away from the old GDCM 1.x approach,
and instead use what is described in the FAQ. The ideal solution would
be to allow the user to switch the color space on demand.

Happy holidays !

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Jesús Spí­nola <jspinola at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi again,
> does anybody know what are the differences in itkGDCMIO when using gdcm
> 1.2.x and gdcm 2.0.x?
> As I said before I am getting different results for MONOCHROME1 images, so I
> want to know what I should take into account when using gdcm 2.0.x to
> achieve the same resaults as with gdcm 1.2.x
> Thanks in advance!
> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Ivan Macia <imacia at vicomtech.org> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I can confirm this too. We are having exactly the same problem with the
>> same configuration. I cannot say exactly which GDCM version since I don't
>> have it here. What I don't remember either is if the problem appeared as a
>> result of moving to GDCM 2.x or from upgrading from ITK 3.16 to 3.20 but I
>> would say it was the upgrade to GDCM 2.x
>> Best regards
>> Iván
>> 2010/12/24 Jesús Spí­nola <jspinola at gmail.com>
>>> Hello,
>>> I am a DICOM viewer application developer and we use itk, gdcm and vtk.
>>> Until our last release we were using itk 3.16 (with integrated gdcm
>>> 1.2.x) for reading the images and vtk 5.0 for displaying them.
>>> We updated the libraries recently, so we are now using itk 3.20 (linked
>>> against external gdcm 2.0) and vtk 5.6
>>> We observed a different behaviour with gdcm 2.0.x when reading
>>> MONOCHROME1 images with itkGDCM interface. The same MONOCHROME1 images that
>>> were displyed correctly with itk 3.16 are now displayed like in inverse
>>> video mode. I guess there have been some changes in the regarding classes so
>>> in prior versions (itk+gdcm) some computation in the grayscale space was
>>> performed which now it is not.
>>> I would like to know the diferences between these versions regarding
>>> image reading and what I should do if I want to display them like
>>> itk3.16+gdcm1.2.x does.
>>> This behaviour could be reproduced with the sample MONOCHROME1 images
>>> contained
>>> in http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/~jpr/PUBLIC/gdcm/gdcmData.tar.gz
>>> like D_CLUNIE_RG1_RLE.dcm or D_CLUNIE_RG3_RLE.dcm.
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> --
>>> Jesús Spínola
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> Jesús Spínola
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