[Insight-users] How to get ITK dlls in Windows

worry_wang worry_wang at 163.com
Tue Dec 7 04:04:52 EST 2010

what should I do to use ITK in MFC without Cmake's compiling?
I add the ITK's library and ITK's include in C++ directories.My program compiling sucessfully,But Link failed.
so many "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol"
what should I do to solve this problem?
At 2010-12-06 21:24:01,"Bill Lorensen" <bill.lorensen at gmail.com> wrote:
>Until recently, ITK only creates a dll for ITKCommon. The fix to
>generate dll's for the other libs will not appear until the next
>release (ITK4).
>2010/12/5 worry_wang <worry_wang at 163.com>:
>> Hi
>> I want to get ITKs dlls in windows,But when I set BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON,I
>> just get  ITKCommon.dll.Not the same as VTK,which can create all dlls in
>> "bin/Release".what should I do to create dlls in windows?
>> (I use VC98 and ITK2.6)
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