[Insight-users] SPSA optimization configuration

Oscar Esteban Sanz-Dranguet oesteban at die.upm.es
Fri Sep 4 05:20:38 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I want to use SPSA as global optimizator in a 3D rigid registration 
scheme between MRI & SPECT images using Mattes MI Metric.

As first step, I'm using a CenteredTransform initialization with 
moments. Then I'd like to use SPSA to align the two images reasonabily 
(sometimes, images have problems with orientation, in those case a 
gradient descent doesn't work). At the end, I intend to use a 
GradientDescent with a very little step to get a high precission.

I've read a lot of documentation (papers on rigid registration and those 
made by J. Spall), the software guide and old threads (1, 2, etc) in 
this list. But I can't get a set of parameters valid for a wide range of 
image rotations and little translations (remember the center of mass 
initialization). How should I search for these parameters? Am I missing 
any important thing about spsa?

Thanks in advance. Best,
Oscar Esteban

(1) http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2005-March/012456.html
(2) http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/insight-users/2005-June/013811.html 

Oscar Esteban
BIT - UPM (http://www.die.upm.es/im/)
+34 913 366 827 ext.4248

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