[Insight-users] Current state of "Active Contours without edges" in Review folder? - Example?

Kishore Mosaliganti kishoreraom at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 22:14:48 EDT 2009

Hi Amardeep,

Thanks for the format conversion and also for putting up your data. I was
able to reproduce the problem at my end. Your images had a negative origin
and revealed a bug in code. This has been corrected now in the latest CVS

Meanwhile, I have placed an example script and its output:

Please try it out at your end and let me know how things work out.


On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 5:41 AM, Amardeep Singh <amar.singh at gmx.de> wrote:

> Dear Kishore
> I have converted the images to *.mhd, just like Alexander suggested. Does
> this solve the issue of
> opening the images for you?
> Please let me know if you still cannot use them.
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> Best regards
> Amardeep
> Oleksandr Dzyubak wrote:
>> Hi Kishore,
>> You probably have some box with ITK installed.
>> If you do, you could compile examples from ITK which
>> comes in separate package "InsightApplications" (if you have not done so
>> yet).
>> Once successfully compiled, under directory
>> ~/InsightApplications/ConvertBetweenFileFormats you can find the
>> executable
>> ConvertBetweenFileFormats.
>> The rest is quite simple. If you want to use Paraview, do as below
>> ./ConvertBetweenFileFormats image.nii image.mhd
>> The second operand could be change to whatever your favorite format is.
>> Alex
>> Kishore Mosaliganti wrote:
>>> Hi Amardeep,
>>> I am unable to open your images correctly or something is wrong.. What I
>>> saw was that the images was having 0s throughout.
>>> Can you write them in some other format that I can open in Paraview, for
>>> example?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kishore
>>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Amardeep Singh <amar.singh at gmx.de<mailto:
>>> amar.singh at gmx.de>> wrote:
>>>    Dear Kishore
>>>    Dear ITK Users
>>>    I have now been trying to use the filter, but, unfortunately, I
>>>    cannot get it to run. My initial level set and my feature image
>>>    are overlapping perfectly (same orientation/position information
>>>    in the headers), but when I run the example program
>>>    "ScalarSinglePhase3DTest.cc", I get the following error (it is
>>>    indeed printed out twice):
>>>    Exception caught !
>>>    itk::ExceptionObject (0x8152b00)
>>>    Location: "virtual void itk::DataObject::PropagateRequestedRegion()"
>>>    File:
>>>    /asingh/workspace/InsightToolkit-3.14.0/Code/Common/itkDataObject.cxx
>>>    Line: 397
>>>    Description: Requested region is (at least partially) outside the
>>>    largest possible region.
>>>    Exception caught !
>>>    itk::ExceptionObject (0x8149d88)
>>>    Location: "virtual void itk::DataObject::PropagateRequestedRegion()"
>>>    File:
>>>    /asingh/workspace/InsightToolkit-3.14.0/Code/Common/itkDataObject.cxx
>>>    Line: 397
>>>    Description: Requested region is (at least partially) outside the
>>>    largest possible region.
>>>    My parameters are chosen arbitrarily:
>>>    curvature weight: 0.1
>>>    area weight: 0.1
>>>    laplacian weight: 0.1
>>>    volume weight: 0.1 (what does this mean?)
>>>    volume: 0 (what does this mean?)
>>>    overlap weight: 0
>>>    For your convenience, I have made the images available under the
>>>    following URL:
>>>    http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~asingh/ <http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Easingh/><
>>> http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/%7Easingh/>
>>>    I have also put my code there.
>>>    Does anyone have an idea, why it fails?
>>>    Any comment is highly appreciated!
>>>    Best regards
>>>    Amardeep
>>>    Kishore Mosaliganti wrote:
>>>        Hi Amardeep,
>>>        The names of the classes were changed when moving to the
>>>        Review directory. Therefore, you will need to modify the main
>>>        cxx that you downloaded from Insight Journal.
>>>        Thanks,
>>>        Kishore
>>>        On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Amardeep Singh
>>>        <amar.singh at gmx.de <mailto:amar.singh at gmx.de>
>>>        <mailto:amar.singh at gmx.de <mailto:amar.singh at gmx.de>>> wrote:
>>>           Dear ITK Users
>>>           I would like to use the "Active Contours without edges"
>>>        algorithm,
>>>           which is available in
>>>           the Review directory if I understood correctly.
>>>           So, I am wondering where I can find an example about how to use
>>>           the algorithm. I tried to run the
>>>           "ScalarSinglePhase3DTest" example of the Insight Journal
>>>           submission, but it failed to compile.
>>>           The first error read:
>>>           /applications/ScalarSinglePhase3DTest.cc:4:52: error:
>>>           itkSparseMultiphaseLevelSetImageFilter.h: No such file or
>>>        directory
>>>           I am a little confused by the multitudes of implementations
>>>        that
>>>           are available with respect to this
>>>           algorithm, at the moment (3 Insight Journal submission +
>>>        Review).
>>>           Can someone tell me where to start and how to get it running?
>>>           Thanks a lot!
>>>           Best regards
>>>           Amardeep
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