[Insight-users] Problem in mesh visualization with itkQuadEdgeMesh.. still waiting for a response…please help!

Martine Lefevre martine_lef at yahoo.fr
Fri Feb 27 11:17:05 EST 2009

I have posted my question yesterday but nobody answer me yet, …could you please have a look on my problem and tell me how I can resolve it. Many thanks 
I have extracted a surface from a segmented object. The mesh is an instance of the 
QuadEdgeMesh class as I’m going to use the itkQuadEdgeMeshDiscreteGaussianCurvatureEstimator later in order to extract the curvature. 
When I visualize the extracted mesh it’s simply a black image. But if I change the type of the mesh from itkQuadEdgeMesh to itk::Mesh, it works fine and I can visualize the extracted surface. 
So not working with a mesh of type: 
typedef QuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits < double, 3, 2, double, double, double, bool, bool > Traits; 
typedef QuadEdgeMesh< double, 3, Traits > MeshType; 
but working with: 
typedef itk::Mesh<double, 3,itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits< double, 3, 3, double, double > > MeshType; 
For the visualization I use the same procedure as in vtk2itk code. 
Do you have any idea about the cause of this problem? 
attached my code 
Thank you 

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