[Insight-users] Problem in DeformableRegistration3DTimeSeries

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Wed Dec 2 15:43:25 EST 2009

Hi Anand,

Apparently the error message:

> CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated.

is produced by the Visual Studio debugger when a
program tries to call methods using the pointer of
an object that has not been allocated yet.


Why is this happening to you only in some machines,
is something that we should track down, and for which
we need you to provide a lot more information.

Starting with:

1) What is the full description of the system in
    which the application fails:

           - Operating system
           - compiler version

 2) You say that the program "works on your Sever
     but not on the systems connected to that server"

     Please describe in detail what kind of server connection
     you are using.

     Are you talking about using VPN connection ?
     using a RemoteDesktop connection ?

     or are you simply sharing a drive from
     one machine to another ?

3) Are you building the program in the server and then
    trying to run it in another machine that is connected
    to the server ?

    or are you building the application directly on the
    connected machine ?
    (in which case, why should the server matter at all ?)



On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 3:10 AM, Anand Neema <neema.anand at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello to all,
> I am a ITK User.
> I have one problem in an application.
> DeformableRegistration3DTimeSeries (Sample Application) provided with
> toolkit is working properly, but when the same code from that application I
> try to build in my application, then it is not working properly. Rather it
> works on our Server but not on the systems connected to that server.
> Build process is completed successfully, there is no problem in built the
> application. After build, when I run the .exe file and try to load a DICOM
> Series the application terminates.
> I run the application in debug mode, and it is throwing an exception as:
> CXX0030: Error: expression cannot be evaluated.
> Any kind of help would be appreciated
> Thanks & Regds,
> Anand Neema
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