[Insight-users] compute mean of a contour

Xabier Artaechevarria Artieda xabiarta at unav.es
Wed Oct 31 08:35:19 EDT 2007

Hi Sergi,

you can transform your image into a spatial object using  
Have a look at page 116 of the Software Guide.
Best regards,

Xabier Artaechevarria
Cancer Imaging Laboratory
Centre for Applied Medical Research

Sergi Dote <sergidt at gmail.com> ha escrito:

> Hi, itkusers, I expose my problem:
> I need compute the mean of a shape with
> itkSpatialObjectToImageStatisticsCalculator. Calculate mean of a
> spatialobjects of itk, seems easy but I need calculate the mean of values
> inside a non regular polygon like a polyline, What itk classe can I use or
> how can I do this?
> Thank you very much
> --
> .: Sergi Dote Teixidor :.

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