[Insight-users] ITK linkage problem when running from windows service

shani holzer shani.holzer at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 12:19:24 EDT 2007

I'm using ITK 3.2.0 and MS Visual studio 2005.
I'm trying to call ITK from a CLR windows service(as solution type),
and I've included all the necessary files and added the required libs
and paths.
I'm getting the following linker error as a result of including any
ITK header files (this is just an example, this error repeats with
anyITK header file):

MainServiceWinService.obj : error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00000D)
"protected: virtual void __clrcall itk::ImageIORegion::PrintSelf(class
std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,class
itk::Indent)const "
(?PrintSelf at ImageIORegion@itk@@$$FMEBMXAEAV?$basic_ostream at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@@std@@VIndent at 2@@Z)
referenced in function "void __clrcall `dynamic initializer for 'const
(???__E??_7ImageIORegion at itk@@6B@@@YMXXZ@?A0xf88bb019@@$$FYMXXZ)

When calling  the same ITK classes using console application (as
solution type), there's no problem.

Any idea how to solve this out?

Thanks, Shani.

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