[Insight-users] Modality LUT transform with gdcmIO

Mathieu Malaterre mathieu.malaterre at kitware.com
Wed Feb 21 13:55:09 EST 2007

> Then, I also have a case where the rescale slope/intercept is not 
> applied correctly
> http://www.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/~jpr/PUBLIC/gdcm/gdcmSampleData/imgdisplay_testcases/xlut_01.dcm
> The original range is 128..255. The rescale slope is = 2 and the rescale 
> intercept is = -128.
> The expected range after apply the rescale should be 
> 128*2-128..255*2-128 == 128..382 but surprisingly I get a range of 
> -128..126 which is obviously wrong.

This is fixed in ITK CVS, thus it should be available in the coming release.

Thanks again for your bug report,

$ cvs ci -m"BUG: The computed component type to store actual pixel 
values was not working in all cases. Replace it with a solution that 
computes max/min interval to find out the correct component type" 
/cvsroot/Insight/Insight/Code/IO/itkGDCMImageIO.cxx,v  <-- 
new revision: 1.115; previous revision: 1.114

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