[Insight-users] Reading and writing 16bit grayscale images

Sims Richard (RKB) Clinical Scientist Richard.Sims at uhcw.nhs.uk
Tue Feb 20 09:18:54 EST 2007



I am using the example code ImageReadCastWrite.cxx from /ITK/Examples/IO/ to
read uint16 data in the form of a raw data file and attempting to write a
uint16 dcm file. It appears to work ok but when I attempt to visualise the
contents of the dcm file there is a problem with the pixel values. 


I edited the original example code to change the following line:


filter->SetOutputMaximum( 255 );




filter->SetOutputMaximum( 65535 );


to ensure that the output is 16bit and not 8bit... but this unfortunately
doesn't change the dcm file - it's the same size and the value remains as


If I convert the raw data file to uint8 at the very beginning, and leave the
filter maximum at 255, the dcm file looks fine.


Can anyone help? Am I missing something simple?


Thanks in advance,






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