[Insight-users] Resampling 64-bit crash

Florian Pierron F.Pierron at exeter.ac.uk
Wed Feb 14 10:11:18 EST 2007

Hi Robert,

Thank you for your quick reply.

I haven't changed the dimension, I'm still in 2D. And it's working fine 
for me when size[0] * size[1] is less than 2 GB but not when it's more 
than 3-4 GB :-(. So if you can try to make it work with a size of 5 GB 
on your configuration, it would be really good / helpful!


On 14/02/2007 14:58, Atwood, Robert C wrote:
>  Maybe I am being dumb here, but did you change 'dimension' to 3 as
> well, or not? (Line 127)
>  I don't think you can set 3d dimensions for a 2d filter? Maybe this
> causes a compiler/OS dependent crash behaviour? If I do as you say
> exactly, I get failure on output with weird messages (but maybe  you
> can't put a 3d image in a png file!) 'Reason: Success' seems like kind
> of a bad reason to abort.
> Using linux RedHat , but also AMD64 Dual core processors, and 16 Gb of
> physical RAM. 
> [itk_example_build]$ ./ResampleBig BrainSliceBinary.png
> BrainSliceBinaryOutput.png 0
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'itk::ExceptionObject'
>   what():  /sources/local/ITK_cvs/Code/IO/itkPNGImageIO.cxx:503:
> itk::ERROR: PNGImageIO(0xa00520): Error while writing Slice to file:
> BrainSliceBinaryOutput.png
> Reason: Success
> Aborted
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: insight-users-bounces+r.atwood=imperial.ac.uk at itk.org 
>> [mailto:insight-users-bounces+r.atwood=imperial.ac.uk at itk.org]
>>  On Behalf Of Florian Pierron
>> Sent: 14 February 2007 14:06
>> To: insight-users at itk.org
>> Subject: [Insight-users] Resampling 64-bit crash
>> Dear ITK users and developers,
>> We need to resample big data and we decided to port our 
>> application in 
>> 64-bit version. We're currently working on Windows Server 2003, 
>> Enterprise x64 Edition, Dual Core AMD Opteron and using 
>> ITK-3-0 branch 
>> with VC2005. Unfortunately our application crashes when trying to 
>> resample big data.
>> We reproduced the crash with the ResampleImageFilter example 
>> (D:\InsightToolkit-3.0.0\Examples\Filtering\ResampleImageFilte
>> r.cxx) by 
>> changing the size of the output image to be more than 3-4 GB:
>> Line 279:    size[0] = 5 * 1000 * 1000;  // number of pixels along X
>> Line 280:    size[1] = 1 * 1000;  // number of pixels along Y
>> We run this example by setting the working directory to 
>> "D:\InsightToolkit-3.0.0\Testing\Data\Input" and the command line 
>> arguments to
>> "BrainSliceBinary.png BrainSliceBinaryOutput.png 0" (a random image I 
>> found in the ITK folder).
>> 1) If I run this example with the modified size above (5 GB), 
>> it crashes 
>> immediately in:
>>   /** Set the pixel. */
>>   inline void Set(TType & output, const TType & input) const
>>     {output = input;}
>> with this call stack:
>>      ResampleImageFilter.exe!itk::DefaultPixelAccessor<unsigned 
>> char>::Set(unsigned char & output=, const unsigned char & 
>> input=0)  Line 
>> 67 + 0x1d bytes
>> ResampleImageFilter.exe!itk::DefaultPixelAccessorFunctor<itk::
>> Image<unsigned 
>> char,2> >::Set(unsigned char & output=, const unsigned char & 
>> input=0)  
>> Line 77
>> ResampleImageFilter.exe!itk::ImageLinearIteratorWithIndex<itk:
>> :Image<unsigned 
>> char,2> >::Set(const unsigned char & value=0)  Line 106 + 0x47 bytes
>> ResampleImageFilter.exe!itk::ResampleImageFilter<itk::Image<unsigned 
>> char,2>,itk::Image<unsigned 
>> char,2>,double>::LinearThreadedGenerateData(const 
>> itk::ImageRegion<2> & 
>> outputRegionForThread={...}, int threadId=2)  Line 481
>> ResampleImageFilter.exe!itk::ResampleImageFilter<itk::Image<unsigned 
>> char,2>,itk::Image<unsigned 
>> char,2>,double>::ThreadedGenerateData(const 
>> itk::ImageRegion<2> & outputRegionForThread={...}, int 
>> threadId=2)  Line 192
>>      ResampleImageFilter.exe!itk::ImageSource<itk::Image<unsigned 
>> char,2> >::ThreaderCallback(void * arg=0x0000000002c2f4f8)  Line 282
>> ResampleImageFilter.exe!itk::MultiThreader::SingleMethodProxy(void 
>> * arg=0x0000000002c2f4f8)  Line 748
>>      msvcr80d.dll!_callthreadstartex()  Line 348 + 0x17 bytes
>>      msvcr80d.dll!_threadstartex(void * 
>> ptd=0x0000000002c3c8f0)  Line 331
>> 2) If I change the size to be 2GB, it's running fine. The 
>> limit between 
>> crashing and not crashing seems to be between 2 and 3 GB 
>> (with 8 threads).
>> 3) If I force the SetNumberOfTheads to 1, it doesn't crash 
>> immediately 
>> (I think it crashes later, but it's quite slow so most of the time I 
>> killed it before). The funny thing is that when the number of 
>> threads is 
>> equal to 1:
>> - if the size is 4 GB, then 4 GB of memory is allocated immediately
>> - but if the size is 5 GB, only 700 MB is allocated
>> - for 7 GB, 2.65 GB is allocated
>> - for 10 GB, 1.4 GB is allocated (which is weirdly twice the 5GB)
>> I have no idea if this is meaningful at all, I was just wondering if 
>> there's a problem during memory allocation when the 4GB limit 
>> is reached...
>> Any ideas?
>> Cheers,
>> Florian
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