[Insight-users] Array deallocation error

Albert Huang alberth+itk at ece.ubc.ca
Sat Feb 10 03:36:40 EST 2007

Dear experts

I am trying to use itkArray (ITK 3.0.1) inside a class member function as below:
    unsigned int ParametersDimension = 100;
    typedef Array<unsigned int> CountType;
    CountType derivative_count = CountType( ParametersDimension );
    derivative_count.Fill( NumericTraits<ITK_TYPENAME CountType::ValueType>::Zero );

However the program crash with the following error at the end of the function at runtime in Visual C++ 2003 Debug mode:
  watershed.exe!vnl_c_vector<unsigned int>::deallocate(unsigned int * p=0x019cc998, int n=360)  Line 468 + 0xf C++
  watershed.exe!vnl_vector<unsigned int>::destroy()  Line 282 + 0x12 C++
  watershed.exe!vnl_vector<unsigned int>::~vnl_vector<unsigned int>()  Line 275 C++
  watershed.exe!itk::Array<unsigned int>::~Array<unsigned int>()  Line 73 + 0x8 C++

I am wondering if I am missing something obvious or if something is out of whack here.

Thanks =)
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