[Insight-users] Black output images (again)

Hendrik Belitz hbelitz at darkon.info
Wed Feb 7 03:30:36 EST 2007

Hi Christian,

maybe you could post your code here, which would allow us to look out for the actual error.

On a first glance, I would assume you forgot to call the Update() method of your reader at the right point of your pipeline.


>I realize this problem with black output images are a recurring problem 
>but google could not help me, so I turn to you. (I had a very similar 
>question some months ago that was caused by a wrong seed, as far as my 
>probing can tell, this is not the case here)
>The pipeline is pretty basic:
>1. read  (float 16-bit, 3D)
>2. curvatureFlowImageFilter
>3. neighborhoodConnectedImageFilter
>4. cast (float, unsigned char)
>5. write (unsign. char, 3D)
>Things i have tried:
>-Added a step between 3 and 4 to rescale values in range 0...255. 
>-Kept the output as float and did not rescale
>-Kept the output as float and did rescale
>(When using float as output imageJ reported 32-bit, can 32000 as replace 
>value be to low in this case?)
>The input image is an analyze image from IBSR. See 
>http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~rieck/bilde/itk/input.PNG for details. The red dot 
>is where ImageJ is reporting coordinates and value. (screen shot 
>removes the mouse cursor) This coordinate is 
>used as the seed-point for the threshold. 
>I have tried different values for upper and lower limits on the 
>connectedThresholdFilter. But a lower value of 0 and upper of 32000 and 
>replace value 32000 still gives a black output image. (as everything 
>else) I tried 0,255 as well, in case I somehow was using values of out 
>Christian Marshall Rieck
>All the good things in life are
>fattening, cancer-causing or NP-complete.
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