[Insight-users] Can't instantiate writer and reader object

"Marco Körner" MarcoKoerner at gmx.de
Mon Aug 6 08:38:47 EDT 2007

Hello list!

i've a quite strange problem while running my itk program. If I create a pointer to a reader or writer type, the program will be terminated with message "in Get MAC Adress (internal) : There was a configuration problem (or no cable !) on your plateform: No such file or directory". 
I'm not sure about my error? Here's my code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "itkImage.h"

#include "itkImageFileReader.h"
#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv) {
	const	unsigned char			Dimension = 2;

	typedef	unsigned char			PixelType;
	typedef	itk::Image<PixelType>		ImageType;
	typedef	itk::ImageFileReader<ImageType>	ReaderType;
	typedef	itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType>	WriterType;

	ImageType::Pointer	image	= ImageType::New();
	ReaderType::Pointer	reader	= ReaderType::New();
	WriterType::Pointer	writer	= WriterType::New();
	} catch (itk::ExceptionObject e) {
		std::cout << "Exception caught: " 
			<< e.GetLocation() << "\n\t" 
			<< e.GetDescription() << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;


Google don't purpose any solution.
Outcommenting the lines with the reader and writer instantiation will fix the problem.

PS: Previously it worked correct. The problem appears just since a few days.

I'm working on a Turion64 notebook, 512 MB of RAM, Suse 10.3, KDevelop 3.3.5, cmake 2.4-patch 3

Hope for help,

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