[Insight-users] Skeleton Filter?

Andreas Krebs, UKSH andreas.krebs at rad.uni-kiel.de
Tue Apr 10 16:01:17 EDT 2007

Dear Ivan Macia,

in the following I try my best to share it - the code is not ready to be 
packed, so I just copy the necessary routines of source code, hope this 

Concerning the ridge extraction: Firstly, you need a chamfer distance 
transformation (e.g. that given in Lamy's Digital Topology paket) to get
a distance map of the object, you would like to extract the ridge from.
If you are working with fuzzy distance objects, I can send you also a
fuzzy distance algorithm of

> @article{SaChMa97,
>   author =       "Saha, Punam K. and Chaudhuri, B. B. and Dutta
>                   Majumder, D.",
>   title =        "A new shape preserving parallel thinning algorithm
>                   for 3D digital images",
>   language =     "English",
>   journal =      "Pattern Recognition",
>   volume =       "30",
>   number =       "12",
>   pages =        "1939-1955",
>   year =         {1997},
>   keywords =     "{3D digital topology; simple point; outer-layer;
>                   shape-point; skeleton; arc-skeleton; 3D parallel
>                   thinning; sub-fields; shape distance}",

I have not controlled it, but the chamfer distance should be quicker 
than my implementation.

Secondly, you put the binary, the distance map, and a threshold into the 

BinaryImageType::Pointer centerofball( ImageType::Pointer mbsIm,
				       ImageType::Pointer iIm, float thresh)

I already mailed the code of the subroutine on 04/06, 21h38, and a small
description of the most important stuff to be changed. ImageType was a 
FLOAT image in my case, BinaryImageType of type CHAR.

Concerning the skeleton is becomes more complicated since I have not 
repaired the last bugs and I have no time to do it the next two weeks.
But maybe you can catch the idea from the  following code and Chris 
Pudney's publication. I use the opportunity in Lamy's code to change the 
terminality criterion. I attach the Code for the two new terminality 
criteria NonWitnessTerminality and SurfaceTerminality.

Perhaps the bug is in the implementation of the 
   // cf. Eq.(3) from p. 408, C. Pudney,
     if( fabs( mod_nonwitnessorder->GetPixel(index+offset)
	      - hdelta(offset[0], offset[1], offset[2])
   	      - fdtvalue ) < delta )

Also the Modul variables of the NonWitnessTerminalityCrit. have
to bypass Lamy's routines which seems dirty style to me, but it was my 
quick workaround:
   //Modul variables and functions
   float hdeltad[6]; // for hdelta checking nonwitness points
   float mod_witnessthresh;

The SurfaceTerminality criterion should work fine.

  Here the calling code sequence:

   typedef itk::SkeletonizeImageFilter
     <BinaryImageType, itk::Connectivity<Dimension, 0> > Skeletonizer;
   Skeletonizer::Pointer skeletonizer = Skeletonizer::New();
   Skeletonizer::Pointer skeletonizer2 = Skeletonizer::New();

   itk::ImageFunction<BinaryImageType, bool >::Pointer
   nonwitnessterminality = itk::NonwitnessTerminalityImageFunction
     <BinaryImageType, itk::Connectivity<Dimension, 0> >::New();

   itk::ImageFunction<BinaryImageType, bool >::Pointer surfaceterminality;
   surfaceterminality = itk::SurfaceTerminalityImageFunction
     <BinaryImageType, itk::Connectivity<Dimension, 0> >::New();

   typedef itk::ChamferDistanceTransformImageFilter
     < BinaryImageType, Skeletonizer::OrderingImageType>

   DistanceMapFilterType::Pointer distanceMapFilter
      = DistanceMapFilterType::New();
       unsigned int weights[] = { 3, 4, 5 };
       distanceMapFilter->SetWeights(weights, weights+3);


/* Distance-Ordered Homotopic Thinning
      cf. Chris Pudney: "Distance-Ordered Homotopic Thinning:
      A Skeletonization Algorithm for 3D Digital Images"
      in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol 72, No. 3, December,
      pp. 404--413, 1998
     // Stage 1, Rule B with threshhold tau = skeletonstage1_arg * 
     bool didstage1=false;
     if ( GetInputArgs()->skeletonstage1_arg >= 0.) {
	<<"Stage1 of Distance Ordered Homotopic Thinning with threshold: "
       skeletonizer->SetTerminalityCriterion( nonwitnessterminality );
       itk::SetNonwitnessOrdering( iIm, GetInputArgs()
				  ->skeletonstage1_arg*hdeltad[1] );
       nonwitnessterminality->SetInputImage( binthresh->GetOutput() );
       oIm =skeletonizer->GetOutput();

     // Stage 2, Rule A for medial surface
     if ( stage2_arg == std::string("medsurface") ) {
       std::cout <<"Stage2 of Distance Ordered Homotopic Thinning: "
		<<stage2_arg <<std::endl;
       skeletonizer2->SetTerminalityCriterion( surfaceterminality );
       if ( didstage1 ) {
	skeletonizer2->SetInput(skeletonizer->GetOutput() );
	surfaceterminality->SetInputImage( skeletonizer->GetOutput() );
       else {
	skeletonizer2->SetInput( binthresh->GetOutput() );
	surfaceterminality->SetInputImage( binthresh->GetOutput() );
       oIm = skeletonizer2->GetOutput();

// Hope this helps, regards
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  /* Distance-Ordered Homotopic Thinning
     cf. Chris Pudney: "Distance-Ordered Homotopic Thinning: 
     A Skeletonization Algorithm for 3D Digital Images"
     in: Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol 72, No. 3, December, 
     pp. 404--413, 1998

     The nonwitness terminality criterion implements Eq.(3) from p. 408


#ifndef NonwitnessTerminality_txx
#define NonwitnessTerminality_txx

#include "NonwitnessTerminality.h"

namespace itk
  //Modul variables and functions
  float hdeltad[6]; // for hdelta checking nonwitness points
  float mod_witnessthresh;

  ImageType::Pointer mod_nonwitnessorder;
  void SetNonwitnessOrdering(ImageType::Pointer const iIm, float const thresh) {
    mod_nonwitnessorder = iIm;
    mod_witnessthresh = thresh;
    ImageType::SpacingType sp = iIm->GetSpacing();
    const float hx=sp[0], hy=sp[1], hz=sp[2];

    hdeltad[0]= 0.; 
    hdeltad[1]= hx/2.;
    hdeltad[2]= sqrt(2*hx*hx)/2.;
    hdeltad[3]= hz/2.;
    hdeltad[4]= sqrt(hx*hx + hz*hz)/2.;
    hdeltad[5]= sqrt(2*hx*hx + hz*hz)/2.;
  inline float hdelta (int i, int j, int k) {
    return hdeltad[(abs(i) +abs(j)) +3*abs(k)];

template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
         typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
NonwitnessTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 

template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
         typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
NonwitnessTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 
::Evaluate(PointType const & point) const
  typename TImage::IndexType index;
  ConvertPointToNearestIndex(point, index);
  return EvaluateAtIndex(index);

template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
         typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
NonwitnessTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 
::EvaluateAtIndex(IndexType const & index) const {
  TForegroundConnectivity const & fgc = TForegroundConnectivity::GetInstance();
  //  int nbNeighbors = 0;
  float delta = hdeltad[1] /3.; 
  float fdtvalue = mod_nonwitnessorder->GetPixel(index);

  if ( fdtvalue <= mod_witnessthresh )
    return false; // => deletable

  for(int i=0; i<fgc.GetNumberOfNeighbors(); ++i) {
    itk::Offset<TForegroundConnectivity::Dimension> offset;
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<TForegroundConnectivity::Dimension; ++j)
	offset[j] = fgc.GetNeighborsPoints()[i][j];

    // cf. Eq.(3) from p. 408
    if( fabs( mod_nonwitnessorder->GetPixel(index+offset) 
	      - hdelta(offset[0], offset[1], offset[2])
  	      - fdtvalue ) < delta ) 
      return false; // => deletable, since not center of a ball
  // => non deletable, since center of a ball (nonwitness
  //and fdtvalue > mod_witnessthresh
  return true; 

template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
         typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
NonwitnessTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 
::EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(ContinuousIndexType const & contIndex) const
  typename TImage::IndexType index;
  ConvertContinuousIndexToNearestIndex(contIndex, index);
  return EvaluateAtIndex(index);

} // end itk namespace
#endif // NonwitnessTerminality_txx
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#ifndef SurfaceTerminality_txx
#define SurfaceTerminality_txx

#include "SurfaceTerminality.h"

namespace itk
  template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
	   typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
	   SurfaceTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 

template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
         typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
SurfaceTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 
::Evaluate(PointType const & point) const
  typename TImage::IndexType index;
  ConvertPointToNearestIndex(point, index);
  return EvaluateAtIndex(index);

template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
         typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
SurfaceTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 
::EvaluateAtIndex(IndexType const & index) const
  /* 9 planes, cf. Chris Pudney, p. 408, last paragraph of Section 3.1.2,
     and Fig. 7:
     if p, the center of the 26 neighbors, 
     has less than two foregroundneighbors on any of the 9 planes, 
     then p is the edge of a surface
  unsigned int const plane[9][8] = { 



  bool subimage[26];

  TForegroundConnectivity const & fgc = TForegroundConnectivity::GetInstance();
  for(int i=0; i<fgc.GetNumberOfNeighbors(); ++i)
      itk::Offset<TForegroundConnectivity::Dimension> offset;
      for(unsigned int j=0; j<TForegroundConnectivity::Dimension; ++j)
	  offset[j] = fgc.GetNeighborsPoints()[i][j];
      subimage[i] = this->GetInputImage()->GetPixel(index+offset)!=
	NumericTraits<typename TImage::PixelType>::Zero;

  for (unsigned int pi=0; pi<9; pi++) { // loop over planes
    unsigned int cnt=0;
    for (unsigned int vi=0; vi<8 && cnt<2; vi++) { //control nodes of plane 
      unsigned int node = plane[pi][vi];
      if (node>13)
      if ( subimage[node] ) 
    if (cnt < 2)  // found plane with less than two foreground neighbors
      return true;
  return false;

template<typename TImage, typename TForegroundConnectivity, 
         typename TBackgroundConnectivity >
SurfaceTerminalityImageFunction<TImage, TForegroundConnectivity, 
::EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(ContinuousIndexType const & contIndex) const
  typename TImage::IndexType index;
  ConvertContinuousIndexToNearestIndex(contIndex, index);
  return EvaluateAtIndex(index);


#endif // SurfaceTerminality_txx

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