[Insight-users] Segmenting multiple objects with multiple algorithms on one dataset

Wagner Sales wsalles2003 at yahoo.com.br
Mon Oct 23 14:49:50 EDT 2006

Hi all,

First of all, may be this question sounds something
like confuse by a wrong 
aproach ( wich are described below ). If that's true,
please just tell me 
about the correct way.

I have a dataset with multiple objects thats needs to
be segmented. Each one 
of this objects needs a different segmentation aproach
( in other words, 
different algorithms will be used to perform the
object segmentation ). 

The output of the first segmentation will be an object
without any data about 
the others ( in other words, a processed dataset with
only one object. Eg:  
skull). The second segmentation will start with the
original dataset, 
following the same aproach.

Well, after I was segmented all objects, I'll have a
couple of "datasets", 
each one with an segmented object. But I want to put
all the objects on the 
same dataset, each one with a different gray value (
scalar value ).

I'm following a correct aproach? If that's true, how
to put all objects on the 
same dataset?

Thank's in advance.
Wagner Sales

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