[Insight-users] Fw: (by lyj_george@163.com)Questions about 3D registration with mutual information metric

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Mar 26 10:42:55 EST 2006

Hi LiuYuanJie

MutualInformation is a Metric used to
compare how similar two images are.

The dimensionality of the image is *irrelevant* when it comes
to evaluate the Image Metrics, whether they are MutualInformation
or MeanSquares or NormalizedCorrelation.

If you look in detail at the image registration framework
in ITK, as described in the ITK Software Guide


and in the Tutorials:


in particular in


You will see that the dimensionality of the image is only
relevant to the spatial Transforms. This is the only component
that is affected by the dimension of the space in which the
image is represented.

The settings of Image Metrics are not dependent on the image
dimension, but on the characteristics of the statistical
distribution of the gray levels in the two images to be

What really matters is not whether the image is 2D or 3D, but
whether the image has high levels of noise, and how distinct
are the statistical distributions of intensities in the objects
present in the image.

For a quick start you can follow the advice provided in the
software guide, regarding the settings of MutualInformation,
they are equally applicable to images of any dimension.



LiuYuanJie wrote:
> Hi,all.
> Currently I want to do three-dimension registration with mutual 
> information metric by ITK. As you know, parameters of the mutual 
> information metric are very crucial for the result. But i have scanned 
> all the examples provided by ITK. I can only find the 2d registration 
> code(using mutual information) instead of 3d registration code.So I'm 
> asking for help. Can anyone provide some example codes or parameters for 
> 3d registration with mutual information?
> thank you very much!
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