[Insight-users] Introducing MATITK - a MATLAB library allowing ITK algorithms to be called in MATLAB

Vincent Chu vwchu at cs.sfu.ca
Tue Jan 10 18:03:25 EST 2006

We are pleased to introduce MATITK - a MATLAB library (mex file) allowing
numerous ITK algorithms to be called in MATLAB.

Background: ITK is a powerful open-source toolkit implementing
state-of-the-art algorithms in medical image processing and analysis.
MATLAB, on the other hand, is well-known for its easy-to-use, powerful
prototyping capabilities that significantly improve productivity. With the
help of MATITK, biomedical image computing researchers familiar with
MATLAB can harness the power of ITK algorithms while avoiding learning C++
and dealing with low-level programming issues.

More details about MATITK have been presented at:

V. Chu, G. Hamarneh, "MATITK: MATLAB-ITK Interface for Medical Image
Processing", 1st Annual Medical Technology Research Showcase, Vancouver,
BC, 2005.


More details will be presented in

V. Chu, G. Hamarneh, "MATLAB-ITK Interface for Medical Image Filtering,
Segmentation, and Registration", Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging.


The latest version of MATITK supporting ITK2.4 has been recently submitted
to the Insight Journal (2005 August - December) which is now open for


Installing and using MATITK is extremely simple (see examples below).
Visit http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~hamarneh/software/matitk/ for an introduction,
complete the form on http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~hamarneh/request_passwd.html to
obtain the password for downloading. Note: MATITK is available for MS
Windows only at this time.

Please report any comments/bugs to: Vincent Chu <vwchu at sfu.ca>, Ghassan
Hamarneh <hamarneh at cs.sfu.ca> (this message also appears when the user
types matitk('?'); or matitk).

Example MATITK commands in MATLAB:
%mri is a sample volumetric MR brain data set that comes with matlab
load mri;
D=squeeze(D); %singleton dimension removed to obtain 3D array

%List version and support information
%List out what filtering algorithms are available
%List out what parameters are needed to perform

%Perform CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter on image D with the
number of iterations, timestep, and conductance being 5, 0.0625 and 3
b=matitk('FCA',[5 0.0625 3],double(D));

%Perform ConfidenceConnectedImageFilter on image b with multipler, number
of iteration and replacement value being 1.4, 10, and 255 respectively.
c=matitk('SCC',[1.4 10 255],double(b),[],[102 82 25]);

subplot(131);imagesc(squeeze(D(:,:,15)));axis image;colormap gray
subplot(132);imagesc(squeeze(b(:,:,15)));axis image;colormap gray
subplot(133);imagesc(squeeze(c(:,:,15)));axis image;colormap gray


Best Regards,

Vincent Chu 		http://www.vincentchu.com		(software implementation)
Ghassan Hamarneh  	http://www.MedicalImageAnalysis.com 	(project idea and supervision)

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