[Insight-users] ITK exception caught in main :itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError (0x82cb748)

Karthik Krishnan Karthik.Krishnan at kitware.com
Fri Feb 3 13:44:30 EST 2006

charfeddine amir wrote:

> Hi Jim
> I didn't well understand your answer 

probably because of the typo:

"You should need both the call to Update() and 
UpdateLargestPossibleRegion()."  instead reads

"You shouldn't need both the call to Update() and 

> but i think it's too important because i still have a similar problem :
> ITK exception caught in main
> itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError (0x82004f8)
> Location: "Image::PropagateRequestedRegion()"
> File: /usr/local/InsightToolkit-2.4.0/Code/Common/itkDataObject.cxx
> Line: 397
> Description: Requested region is (at least partially) outside the 
> largest possible region.
> What should i add, did i forget something?
> thx in advance
> */"Miller, James V (GE, Research)" <millerjv at crd.ge.com>! /* a écrit :
>     Amir,
>     You should need both the call to Update() and
>     UpdateLargestPossibleRegion(). The call to
>     UpdateLargestPossibleRegion() should be fine.
>     jim
>         -----Original Message-----
>         *From:* charfeddine amir [mailto:charfeddine_amir at yahoo.fr]
>         *Sent:* Thursday, February 02, 2006 2:24 AM
>         *To:* Miller, James V (GE, Research); insight insight
>         *Subject:* RE: [Insight-users] ITK exception caught in main
>         :itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError (0x82cb748)
>         Hi Jim,
>         thx very much
>         i just add a call to the UpdateLargestPossibleRegion() method
>         , and every thing was ok:
>           .
>           .
>           m_ImageReader->SetFileName( FileNamesItr->c_str());
>           m_ImageReader->Update();
>           m_ImageReader->UpdateLargestPossibleRegion()
>           .
>           .
>           Regards,
>           Amir.
>         */"Miller, James V (GE, Research)" <millerjv at crd.ge.com>/* a
>         écrit :
>             The problem is probably in your LoadNextImage() method. 
>             What ImageType is ImageFileReader loading?  Is it a 2D or
>             3D image?
>             When a pipeline is run the first time, it establishes a
>             set of region requests at each stage in the pipeline.  The
>             last filter places a request on the filter before ! it,
>             that filter places a request on the filter before it, ... 
>             When you changed the filename on the reader, the reader
>             may no longer satisfy the request cached between it and
>             the downstream filters.  When you change a parameter like
>             the slice to visualize (or the amount to shrink an image),
>             you need to call UpdateLargestPossibleRegion() instead of
>             Update() on the pipeline to renogiate the regions and
>             ignore the previous cached versions.
>             Jim
>                 -----Original Message-----
>                 *From:*
>                 insight-users-bounces+millerjv=crd.ge.com at itk.org!
>                 [mailto:insight-users-bounces+millerjv=crd.ge.com at itk.org]*On
>                 Behalf Of *charfeddine amir
>                 *Sent:* Wednesday, February 01, 2006 10:37 AM
>                 *To:* insight insight
>                 *Subject:* [Insight-users] ITK exception caught in
>                 main :itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError (0x82cb748)
>                 HI all
>                 i have this error and the program crash while triying
>                 to visualize Dicom Image.
>                 this program read all Dicom files belonging to the
>                 same serie, from a given directory.
>                 each file c! ontain many slice of a fantom.
>                 I take the ShapeDetectionLevelSet program from the
>                 InsightApplications and edit it do that.
>                 i start with pushing the Load Button, I select a dicom
>                 directory containing files, then program read all the
>                 Dicom files belonging to the same serie( the first one
>                 found), and read the first Dicom file, then i can
>                 visualize it when i click on the Display Button (under
>                 Load button),
>                 then i move to the next Dicom file! in serie with a
>                 counter (like fltk slider), and when i reclick on
>                 display, the program crash with the following message:
>                 ITK exception caught in main 
>                 itk::InvalidRequestedRegionError (0x82cb748)
>                 Location: "Image::PropagateRequestedRegion()"
>                 File:
>                 /usr/local/InsightToolkit-2.4.0/Code/Common/itkDataObject.c!
>                 xx
>                 Line: 397
>                 Description: Requested region is (at least partially)
>                 outside the largest possible region.
>                 t! his is part of code i add:
>                 //function for loading the first serie in the
>                 directory dirname
>                 void
>                 ShapeDetectionLevelSetBase
>                 ::LoadInputDir( const char * dirname )
>                 {
>                 if( !dirname )
>                   {
>                     return;
>                   }
>                  nameGenerator->SetDirectory( dirname );
>                  seriesUID = nameGenerator->GetSeriesUIDs();
>                  seriesIdentifier = seriesUID.begin()->c_str();
>                     fileNames = nameGenerator->GetFileNames(
>                 seriesIdentifier );     FileNamesBegin =
>                 fileNames.begin();
>                     FileNamesItr = fileNames.end();    FileNamesEnd =
>                 fileNames.end();
>                     ListCardinal=0;
>                     ListPosition=1;
>                     while( FileNamesItr != FileNamesBegin )
>                     {
>                      ListCardinal++;
>                      FileNamesItr--;
>                     }
>                   LoadCurrentImage();
>                 }
>                 //function for! reading the first file in serie
>                 void
>                 ShapeDetectionLevelSetBase
>                 ::LoadCurrentImage()
>                 {
>                 !   m_ImageReader->SetFileName( FileNamesItr->c_str());
>                   m_ImageReader->Update();
>                   m_InputImage=m_ImageReader->GetOutput();
>                   // Allocate an image of seeds of the same size
>                   InputImageType::RegionType region
>                             =
>                 m_ImageReader->GetOutput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
>                   InputImageType::SizeType size = region.GetSize();
>                   for(unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++)
>                     {
>                     if( size[i] < 10 )
>                       {
>                       this->ShowStatus("Image must be 3D and with at
>                 least 10 pixels along each Dimension.");
>                       itk::ExceptionObject excp;
>                       excp.SetDescription("Image must be 3D and with!
>                 at least 10 pixels along each Dimension.");
>                       throw ! excp;
>                       }
>                     }
>                   m_SeedImage->SetRegions( region );
>                   m_SeedImage->Allocate();
>                   m_SeedImage->FillBuffer(
>                 itk::NumericTraits<SeedImageType::PixelType>::Zero );
>                   m_FastMarchingFilter->SetOutputSize( region.GetSize() );
>                   m_InputImageIsLoaded = true;
>                 }
>                 //function for reading the next file in serie
>                 void
>                 ShapeDetectionLevelSetBase
>                 ::LoadNextImage( )
>                 {
>                 if ( FileNamesItr != FileNamesEnd )
>                 {
>                 FileNamesItr++;
>                 ListPosition++;
>                 m_ImageReader->SetFileName( FileNamesItr->c_str() );
>                 m_ImageReader->Update();
>                 m_InputImage=m_ImageReader->GetOutput();
>                 }
>                 //this->ShowInputImage();
>                 InputImageType::RegionType region
>                             =
>                 m_ImageReader->GetOutput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
>                   InputImageType::SizeType size = region.GetSize();
>                   for(unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++)
>                     {
>                     if( size[i] < 10 )
>                       {
>                       this->ShowStatus("Image must be 3D and with at
>                 least 10 pixels along each Dimension.");
>                       itk::ExceptionObject excp;
>                       excp.SetDescription("Image must be 3D and wit! h
>                 at least 10 pixels along each Dimension.");
>                       throw excp;
>                       }
>                     }
>                   m_SeedImage->SetRegions( region );
>                   m_SeedImage->Allocate();
>                   m_SeedImage->FillBuffer(
>                 itk::NumericTraits<SeedImageType::PixelType>::Zero );
>                   m_FastMarchingFilter->SetOutputSize( region.GetSize() );
>                 }
>                 //function for reading the previous file in serie
>                 void
>                 ShapeDetectionLevelSetBase
>                 ::LoadPrevImage( )
>                 {
>                 if ( FileNamesItr != FileNamesBegin )
>                 {
>                 FileNamesItr--;
>                 ListPosition--;
>                 m_ImageReader->SetFileName( FileNamesItr->c_str() );
>                 m_ImageReader->Update();
>                 mm_IInputImage=m_ImageReader->GetOutput();
>                 }
>                 //this->ShowInputImage();
>                 InputImageType::RegionType region
>                             =
>                 m_ImageReader->GetOutput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
>                   InputImageType::SizeType size = region.GetSize();
>                   for(unsigned int i=0; i<ImageDimension; i++)
>                     {
>                     if( size[i] < 10 )
>                       {
>                       this->ShowStatus("Image must be 3D and with at
>                 least 10 pixels along each Dimension.");
>                       itk::ExceptionObject excp;
>                       excp.SetDescription("Image must be 3D and w! ith
>                 at least 10 pixels along each Dimension.");
>                       throw excp;
>                       }
>                     }
>                   m_SeedImage->SetRegions( region );
>                   m_SeedImage->Allocate();
>                   m_SeedImage->FillBuffer(
>                 itk::NumericTraits<SeedImageType::PixelType>::Zero );
>                   m_FastMarchingFilter->SetOutputSize( region.GetSize() );
>                 }
>                 /*********************************************************************************************/
>                 any comment is welcome
>                 thx
>                 Amir,
>                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>         Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger !
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