[Insight-users] MinGW compile issue

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Mon Dec 18 08:24:52 EST 2006

In trying to figure out my previous problem I have discovered that  
for ITK 2.8.1 and 3.0.0 when using either MinGW or MSYS as the  
compile environment only static libraries are created even though I  
select shared libs in CMakeSetup. Is this a known bug or are these  
environments not supported for ITK?
   I took a loot at the Dashboards for ITK and the few systems that  
are MinGW are not submitting Dashboards.

    Just some background on this. We are combining Qt opensource with  
ITK for our apps. The open source edition of Qt only officially  
supports MinGW as a compile system so this kinda forces our hand in  
what compiler we have to use for Windows.

  I am also still "wet behind the ears" when it comes to C++ code so  
maybe there is a technical reason that MinGW/Shared libraries are not  

Thanks for any help with this.
Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

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