[Insight-users] ITK make install error

mjolley at u.washington.edu mjolley at u.washington.edu
Fri Dec 8 17:23:49 EST 2006


I have built ITK before several times in the same directory and never run into this problem.  I would appreciate any information you could provide.  I believe I am using the latest version of cmake...

> mj2 at mj2-desktop:~$ cd Modeling
> mj2 at mj2-desktop:~/Modeling$ cd InsightToolkit-3.0.0/
> and it configures fine I believe...
> I do make -j8 and everything goes well
> I do make install and I get to ....
> Install the project...
> /usr/local/bin/cmake -P cmake_install.cmake
> -- Install configuration: "Release"
> -- Installing /home/m2/Modeling/Thirdparty/bin/3.0.0/Linux/gcc-4.0.3-64bit/include/InsightToolkit/itkConfigure.h
> CMake Error: Error in cmake code at
> /home/mj2/Modeling/InsightToolkit-3.0.0/cmake_install.cmake:30:
> FILE Problem setting permissions on file "/home/m2/Modeling/Thirdparty/bin/3.0.0/Linux/gcc-4.0.3-64bit/include/InsightToolkit/itkConfigure.h"
> Current CMake stack: /home/mj2/Modeling/InsightToolkit-3.0.0/cmake_install.cmakemake: *** [install] Error 255
> mj2 at mj2-desktop:~/Modeling/InsightToolkit-3.0.0$
> If I run it with sudo it still doesn't seem to show up in tthe directory I would anticipate...
> I went back and tried to use it with the previous version of ITK I had and same problem...

Any insight?

Matthew Jolley
mjolley at u.washington.edu
matthew.jolley at cardio.chboston.org

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