[Insight-users] Re: itkLevelSetNodeF3 in itk 2.0?

Charl P. Botha cpbotha at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 12:16:25 EDT 2005

Hi there Gaetan,

On 6/3/05, Gaetan Lehmann <gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr> wrote:
> I'm trying to have a more consistent set of classes avaible in python.
> Because of the size of the executable, it's impossible to wrap each type
> for each class, so  to be able to increase number of avaible classes, I
> reduce avaible types to unsigned short and and float for image dimension 2
> and 3 (US2, US3, F2, F3) and some other types for particular filters such
> as ImageFileWriter where UC2 and UC3 are also avaible.
> I now have losts more filters with only a small increase a executable size.

Wow, this sounds great!  I did something similar by extracting only
the wrapping system from ITK, but it was too much effort keeping up
with ITK CVS.

I wonder how others feel about the idea of doing this in ITK itself. 
I think that by wrapping only US2,3 and F2,3 of a wider selection of
filters, as you have done, one makes a far larger user group happy.

Kitware ladies and gentlemen, what do you think?

charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/

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